m e l l

need to upload more photos of my perfect summer!
so it has not been perfect, but it is coming close to it.
feeling happy, as the sun kisses my skin :)
has been hot for the few days i was in the bay, but am sadly home now, and it is raining again :( oh well <3

Alaina! i have missed my Ausie girl.
She is amazing and lovely.
She moved back to Australia at the beginning of the year,
i have really missed her funny bubbly personality.
Am really going to miss her when she goes back home :(

s u m m e r

this shall be the best summer. EVER

add some beach, friends, food and drink to this, mix it all up, and the result is the full color is summer fun

l i v e
i have these friends, who are amazing photographers, and are just beautiful :)

ok, so lately ive been shopping so much, ive gotten like 5 new sets of shoe, like so many new dresses, and a bikini for summer :D and like so much more
got some sweet makeup and jewlery and some new jeans and other new stuff, like a crazy consumer shopping freak
eek got to stop buying clothing, need to buy a car.
also have spent alot of money on sushi, darn sushi, why are you so good??

recently went from ranga-tanga to blonde :)


so Dillon (my 2 year old brother) and I had a tea pary yesterday in the sunshine on the front lawn. was so nice, although he didn't want to sit down for more than 3 minutes, it was great :)


:) hello helloo
think i may start writing on this thing yup.
its holidays at the moment, no school for two whole weeks. oh the joy...
my mother has obtained an injury, shes hobbling around on crutches with a cast on her leg. Ive been doing so much housework its crazy, and my brother just sits on the playstation like a lazy ass bum.

don't really have any set plans for the holidays, although i promised my 2 year old brother I would set up a tea party on the front lawn, we will drink tea, and eat cake :) and I will tell him to sit on his chair over and over again.

here are some photos that inspire me :)

just some more photographs that have been clogging up the computer space